Your search returned 64 results in the Theme: orca currents series.

Book cover of CHICK LISTER
By: alex vantol | Published: November 2020

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Chick struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder and his father's...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Chick struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder and his father's expectations.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of COCHONNET
By: vicki grant | Published: October 2011

Dan appréhende l'ennuyeuse sortie scolaire dans une ferme historique éloignée. Pas tant à cause du fumier que du fait que...

Dan appréhende l'ennuyeuse sortie scolaire dans une ferme historique éloignée. Pas tant à cause du fumier que du fait que le fermier élève des porcs. Les porcs s'appellent aussi des cochons et le nom de famille de Dan est Cauchon. Déjà en butte aux moqueries, Dan se cuirasse contre l'épreuve anticipée. Mais il n'a pas prévu l'apparition d'un inquiétant fermier tatoué, la disparition mystérieuse de son enseignante ou les menaces de mort contre ses camarades. Et encore moins qu'il sera seul à pouvoir les sauver. Dan is not sure he'll survive the boring field trip to a remote heritage farm. How could a place with no running water, telephone or electricity be anything but dull? To top it all off, the farmer knows nothing about farming and is angry about having to conduct the tour. When Dan sneaks back to the school bus, he discovers the driver and teacher have been bound and gagged. Who is this "farmer" anyway, and will Dan be able to find help in time?

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of CROSSWOOD
By: gabriell prendergast | Published: January 2021

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, 14-year-old Blue Jasper must enter the enchanted Crosswood when his twin siblings...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, 14-year-old Blue Jasper must enter the enchanted Crosswood when his twin siblings are kidnapped by a Faerie king.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of DEATH BY AIRSHIP
By: arthur slade | Published: January 2019

Prince Conn will never be king. And that's just fine with him. He's ninth in line for the pirate throne and is quite happy to sail the skies in his...

Prince Conn will never be king. And that's just fine with him. He's ninth in line for the pirate throne and is quite happy to sail the skies in his airship with his crew of cheery misfits, plundering as they go. But one by one his siblings are being murdered, in tragic fires, violent cannon attacks or mysterious poisonings. Soon all fingers are pointing toward Conn as the mastermind. To prove his innocence, Conn must make his way to Skull Island, navigating his airship through a gauntlet of villains, explosions and betrayals. Can he reach his father's kingdom before it's too late? Or will he suffer the same fate as the rest of his family?

Theme: Orca Currents series, Steampunk

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of DEATH DROP
By: melanie jackson | Published: November 2020

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, Zeke gets caught up in a mystery involving a missing child, a thrill ride and a priceless piece of...

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, Zeke gets caught up in a mystery involving a missing child, a thrill ride and a priceless piece of art.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of DOUBLE TROUBLE
By: joanne levy | Published: August 2019

Victoria Adelman is lonely. Her best friend has moved away, leaving her to spend the summer alone. One day, on her way home from a bat mitzvah, she...

Victoria Adelman is lonely. Her best friend has moved away, leaving her to spend the summer alone. One day, on her way home from a bat mitzvah, she meets Jazzy, her next-door neighbors' granddaughter. Tori hopes her friendless status is about to change. Later, in her garden, she meets Jazzy again, but Jazzy doesn't recognize the filthy, smelly girl as the one she met earlier. In a moment of insecurity, Tori tells Jazzy that the girl she met before was her twin sister, Vicky. Tori is sure she can fake being that girl in the dress-it's only for two weeks. But then Jazzy announces she's staying with her grandparents for the school year. Tori needs to figure out what to do: come clean and lose her new friend, or live her life as a fake.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of ED SPECIAL
By: eric walters | Published: May 2011

Edward est paresseux. Il se contente de la note de passage. Lorsqu'il découvre que les élèves admis en éducation...

Edward est paresseux. Il se contente de la note de passage. Lorsqu'il découvre que les élèves admis en éducation spéciale ont plus de temps pour faire leurs examens, il croit avoir trouvé la combine parfaite. Il ne s'attend pas à devoir faire autant d'efforts pour manipuler son entourage. Edward is a classic slacker. He's got better ways to spend his time than toiling over homework, and as long as he gets passing grades he's happy. When his fifty percent average is threatened he has to find a way to pull up his grades without applying himself. Edward discovers that special education students get more time to complete tests, and he thinks he's found the perfect scam. Little does he know that manipulating everyone around him will take more work than he ever imagined.

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of EFFET MANGA
By: jacqueline pearce | Published: October 2010

Dana est excitée à l'idée d'un voyage scolaire au Japon, même si elle y va avec la bande à Melly, le groupe des...

Dana est excitée à l'idée d'un voyage scolaire au Japon, même si elle y va avec la bande à Melly, le groupe des élèves in qui se moquent d'elle. Dana est persuadée qu'elle s'intégrera bien au Japon, pays du manga et de l'anime. Mais elle découvre bientôt qu'il est tout aussi difficile de s'intégrer dans une culture étrangère que dans sa classe. Et Melissa, chef de la bande à Melly, ne rate pas une occasion de lui rappeler qu'elle est différente des autres. Dana is excited about her school trip to Japan despite the fact that she is surrounded by the Melly Mob, "in-crowd" kids who make fun of her. Dana is certain she will be less of an outsider in Japan, home of manga and anime. But she soon discovers that it's just as difficult to fit in with a foreign culture as it is to fit in at school. And the only other manga fan that she meets refuses to talk to her. As Dana learns to meet people halfway and gains some friends in Japan, Melissa, leader of the Melly Mob, makes every effort to remind her that she's still an outsider.

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
By: mahtab narsimhan | Published: November 2020

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Shivani is horrified when her mother volunteers to cook traditional Indian food for her...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Shivani is horrified when her mother volunteers to cook traditional Indian food for her school's annual fundraiser.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of FISH OUT OF WATER
By: joanne levy | Published: August 2020

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, a twelve-year-old boy is frustrated that he's not able to do the things he loves because they're too...

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, a twelve-year-old boy is frustrated that he's not able to do the things he loves because they're too "girly."

Theme: Coming of Age, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
By: deb loughead | Published: October 2010

La vie de Claire a besoin d'un changement radical. Elle coule en math, sa mère déprimée ne veut pas se lever du sofa et le gars...

La vie de Claire a besoin d'un changement radical. Elle coule en math, sa mère déprimée ne veut pas se lever du sofa et le gars de ses rêves est avec sa rivale Lucy. Au moment où Claire fait le souhait d'une vie meilleure, la foudre frappe. Bientôt sa vie se transforme et Claire obtient tout ce qu'elle a souhaité. Elle se demande bientôt si le prix à payer pour cette chance n'est pas trop élevé. Claire's life is a mess. She's failing math, her depressed mother won't get off the couch, Eric, the boy of her dreams, is dating her nemesis Lucy. While Claire is wishing her life were better, lightning strikes. Soon afterward, everything changes. With Lucy in the hospital and out of the way, Claire attracts Eric's attention and gets the starring role in the school play. But good fortune has a cost: her newly energized mother reconciles with her deadbeat dad, the dream boy turns out to be a dud and Claire feels terrible guilt about gaining everything Lucy has lost. But how can Claire turn it around when lightning only strikes once?

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
By: marty chan | Published: August 2020

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, four young teens find themselves in serious danger during a role-playing game in a supposedly...

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, four young teens find themselves in serious danger during a role-playing game in a supposedly abandoned hospital.

Theme: Orca Currents series, Ghosts

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of I GOT YOU BABE
By: paul coccia | Published: February 2023

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Mac wants to do a duet with Amy for the school fun fair.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of IGGY'S WORLD
By: g anderson-dargatz | Published: August 2019

Fourteen-year-old Iggy comes from a famous family. Well, sort of. His dad directs a cheesy sci-fi Web series, his mom writes for it, and his sister...

Fourteen-year-old Iggy comes from a famous family. Well, sort of. His dad directs a cheesy sci-fi Web series, his mom writes for it, and his sister has a successful YouTube channel. Iggy doesn't have the acting bug, so he feels like an outsider. Wanting to prove himself, Iggy starts his own podcast about what interests him: insects. But it's not until Iggy embarrasses his famous sister on air that his podcast really takes off. He's thrilled with his own success, until she fires back. Now it's all-out war. Iggy's World is an exploration of the age-old problem artists face: when we find inspiration from our real lives, what will our friends and family think? And, of course, just how much of our private lives do we really want to reveal online?

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of JELLY ROLL
By: mere joyce | Published: August 2020

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Jenny is looking forward to her March Break retreat. But then she finds out that...

In this high-interest novel for middle readers, fourteen-year-old Jenny is looking forward to her March Break retreat. But then she finds out that the boy who bullies her at school is going too.

Theme: Bullying issues, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price: