Your search returned 64 results in the Theme: orca currents series.

Book cover of 9 DOORS
By: vicki grant | Published: November 2020

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Emery and Richard discover there can be serious consequences to scaring your neighbors.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of ACCRO D'LA PLANCHE
By: lesley choyce | Published: May 2012

Dorf a toujours été fidèle à sa devise : « Si ça en vaut la peine, fais-le. Si ça n'en vaut pas la...

Dorf a toujours été fidèle à sa devise : « Si ça en vaut la peine, fais-le. Si ça n'en vaut pas la peine, fais-le quand même. » Mais il a déménagé à la ville et le terrain est différent. Il ne peut plus faire rouler sa planche oû bon lui semble et il a de la difficulté à s'intégrer à sa nouvelle école. Ses tricks audacieux lui assurent le respect des voyous du coin, mais il devra faire appel à une autre forme de courage s'il veut vraiment changer sa vie. Dorf is all about skateboarding, and so far that's worked out fine. But now that he's in a new city, the terrain has changed. He's no longer free to skateboard where he wishes, school is more difficult, and his passion for skateboarding garners him the nickname and reputation of a freak. With daring stunts he gains the grudging respect of local troublemakers, but he needs to tap into another kind of courage to effect real change.

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of ALIBI
By: kristin butcher | Published: September 2021

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Christine wants to help her aunt by catching the thief who has been targeting a small...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Christine wants to help her aunt by catching the thief who has been targeting a small tourist town.

Theme: Mystery, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of ALIEN ROAD
By: m.j. mcisaac | Published: August 2021

Ridge isn't thrilled about the idea of spending his whole Spring Break with his mom, but when they get an invitation from his mom's billionaire...

Ridge isn't thrilled about the idea of spending his whole Spring Break with his mom, but when they get an invitation from his mom's billionaire friend to join him on his private yacht for a Caribbean cruise, how can he say no? Karl, the billionaire's son, is less excited. He knows where they are headed--right into the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. There are dozens of stories about ships and aircraft that mysteriously disappeared while traveling through that legendary region of the Atlantic. Karl thinks it has something to do with aliens. Ridge thinks Karl has been spending too much time on the internet. But when strange and inexplicable things start happening aboard their vessel as it gets closer to the triangle, Ridge starts to wonder if Karl might be right.

Theme: Paranormal, Orca Currents series, Horror

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of AU PAS CAMARADE
By: eric walters | Published: October 2011

Lorsque le directeur de l'école annonce une nouvelle politique relative aux uniformes, les amis d'Ian font pression sur lui pour qu'il s'y...

Lorsque le directeur de l'école annonce une nouvelle politique relative aux uniformes, les amis d'Ian font pression sur lui pour qu'il s'y oppose. Sa meilleure amie Julia l'incite fortement à protester, mais le directeur est également déterminé à convaincre Ian que les uniformes sont une bonne chose. Ian ne veut pas s'en mêler-pour commencer. Puis il fait une découverte qui l'oblige à prendre position-peu importe le prix à payer. The principal announces that the school is implementing uniforms, and Ian finds himself caught in a conflict. His friend Julia wants him to devise a plan to fight the decision, and the principal is determined to convince Ian the uniforms are a good idea. Ian wants nothing to do with the issue. While doing research for a social justice class, he learns that the manufacturer of the uniforms is on the top-ten list for human-rights violations. When he tells the principal this, all he gets is a reminder that the penalty for refusing to wear the uniforms is suspension, and Ian finds himself caught in a whole new conflict-one with himself.

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
By: gail anderson-dargatz | Published: February 2023

Dans ce roman destiné aux jeunes adolescents, Marc, treize ans, doit s'habituer aux longs trajets en autobus scolaire après avoir déménagé chez...

Dans ce roman destiné aux jeunes adolescents, Marc, treize ans, doit s'habituer aux longs trajets en autobus scolaire après avoir déménagé chez sa grand-mère à la campagne.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Young Adult Fiction
Retail Price:
By: allison finley | Published: April 2023

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, thirteen-year-old Theo finds a pocket watch linked to a local legend about a lost...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, thirteen-year-old Theo finds a pocket watch linked to a local legend about a lost treasure.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of BEYOND REPAIR
By: lois peterson | Published: November 2020

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Cam, grieving over the death of his father, becomes worried he is being stalked.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of BIG WINNER
By: sylvia taekema | Published: April 2023

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, fourteen-year-old Skye worries about her new friend, Digby, after he shares a big...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, fourteen-year-old Skye worries about her new friend, Digby, after he shares a big secret.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
By: ga anderson-dargatz | Published: February 2023

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, a young teen starts to suspect that he and his family are being followed by a Bigfoot...

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, a young teen starts to suspect that he and his family are being followed by a Bigfoot while on a camping trip.

Theme: Orca Currents series, Humour

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of BONES
By: john wilson | Published: November 2020

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, Sam and Annabel learn about paleontology while solving a mystery.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of BOOK OF ELSIE
By: joanne levy | Published: August 2022

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, Elsie comes up with a plan to save her local synagogue.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of BRANDED
By: eric walters | Published: February 2023

In this high-interest accessible novel for middle-grade readers, Ian learns that the company that makes the uniforms for his school uses child labor.

Theme: Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of CACHE
By: kl denman | Published: November 2012

Zack a quinze ans. Il a été exclu de l'école et il s'ennuie. N'importe quelle activité serait la bienvenue. Lorsque sa...

Zack a quinze ans. Il a été exclu de l'école et il s'ennuie. N'importe quelle activité serait la bienvenue. Lorsque sa mère l'amène faire de la géocache, Zack trouve un CD portant l'inscription « Célèbre ». Lorsqu'il l'écoute, la musique l'éblouit. Zack fait de la synesthésie : il voit des couleurs lorsqu'il entend de la musique et celle-ci lui fait voir d'incroyables motifs colorés. Zack devient obsédé par la fille qui chante sur le CD et décide qu'il doit la trouver. Suspended from school, lonely and bored, fifteen-year-old Zack will do anything for amusement. His mom drags him out geocaching, and Zach finds a CD with the word Famous written across it. He puts the CD in his stereo and loses himself in the music. Zack has sound-color synesthesia. He sees colors when he hears music, and the music on the Famous CD causes incredible patterns of color for him. Zack becomes obsessed with the girl on the CD and decides he has to find her.

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price:
Book cover of CASSE-COUS
By: pam withers | Published: October 2010

Les Casse-Cous doivent fair sept coups d'audace avant que leur rivaux, les Sauvages, n'en fassent autant. Avant un accident où il a perdu...

Les Casse-Cous doivent fair sept coups d'audace avant que leur rivaux, les Sauvages, n'en fassent autant. Avant un accident où il a perdu l'usage de sa jambe gauche, Kip était le leader des Casse-Cous. Il a maintenant de la difficulté à réussir les coups et il soupconne que les autres membres veulent l'exclure du club. À mesure que les coups deviennent plus difficiles, les Casse-Cous tentent de convaincre Kip qu'il ne sera peut-être pas à la hauteur. Kip refuse d'abandonner même s'il sait que ses amis ont probablement raison. Kip's only friends are the members of the Daredevil Club, a club whose mission is to complete seven dangerous dares before their rivals, the Wildmen, complete their list of dares. Before the cliff diving accident in which he lost the use of his leg, Kip had been the leader of the Daredevil club. Now he has difficulty completing the dares and suspects that his membership is threatened. As the daredevils plan their final stunt, a dangerous climb along a narrow steel shelf beneath a bridge, they try to convince Kip that he may not be up to the task. Kip refuses to back down even though he suspects his friends might be right.

Theme: High Interest/Low Vocabulary, Orca Currents series

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Intermediate Fiction
Retail Price: