Results for: taylor morris

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of BFF BREAKUP
By: taylor morris | Published: May 2011

Brooke and Madeline have been best friends since they first met. And now they're going to be best friends in high school, then go to the same college...

Brooke and Madeline have been best friends since they first met. And now they're going to be best friends in high school, then go to the same college where they'll be roommates, date—and marry—boys who are also best friends. Finally they'll live next door to each other and go on family vacations together. Nothing could possibly change that, right? Well not so fast. A new school year brings new challenges, and suddenly Brooke and Madeline’s friendship isn’t looking so solid. When the cracks in the relationship become chasms, is there anything worth salvaging at all? Taylor Morris has written a laugh out loud funny, touching, novel about what happens when "Best Friends Forever" becomes "Best Friends No More."

Theme: Humour, Mix Series, Friendship

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Junior Fiction
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