Results for: thrity umrigar

Below is a list of 3 the books by this author.

Book cover of BINNY'S DIWALI
By: thrity umrigar | Published: September 2020

Binny's class is learning about different holiday traditions, and today it is time for Binny to share the story of her favorite holiday, Diwali, the...

Binny's class is learning about different holiday traditions, and today it is time for Binny to share the story of her favorite holiday, Diwali, the Festival of Lights--and she even has some special treats to give her classmates. Includes information on the five days of Diwali, what it commemorates, and its special traditions.

Theme: Holidays & Celebrations, Diwali, Diversity, Culturally Responsive

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Picture Book
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Book cover of DIWALI DE BINNY
By: thrity umrigar | Published: October 2021

See below for English description. C'est un grand jour pour Binny. Depuis quelque temps, avec ses camarades de classe, elle découvre toutes...

See below for English description. C'est un grand jour pour Binny. Depuis quelque temps, avec ses camarades de classe, elle découvre toutes sortes de célébrations autour du monde. C'est aujourd'hui son tour de faire une présentation. Elle va parler de Diwali, le festival des lumières! Elle a hâte de mentionner les lampes à huile, les feux d'artifice et de tout ce qui constitue cette fête hindoue célébrant la bonté et l'espoir. Mais lorsque Binny se retrouve devant sa classe, elle a le trac et n'arrive pas à parler. Trouvera-t-elle le courage de faire découvrir Diwali à sa classe? Une belle histoire qui encourage à reconnaître et à apprécier les différentes célébrations du monde entier. It's a big day for Binny. Her class is learning about different celebrations, and today is her day to talk about Diwali, the Festival of Lights! She can't wait to tell her friends about the oil lamps, fireworks, and everything else that makes up the Hindu holiday that celebrates goodness and hope. But when the time comes, she feels nervous, and her mind goes blank. Will she find the courage to share this holiday with her class? A beautiful story about embracing all the different and diverse celebrations in our world. Original title: Binny's Diwali

Theme: Holidays & Celebrations, Diwali, Diversity, Culturally Responsive

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
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Book cover of SUGAR IN MILK
By: thrity umrigar | Published: October 2020

A young girl in modern times comes from India to live in America with her extended family. She feels so alone-like she's not wanted-and then...

A young girl in modern times comes from India to live in America with her extended family. She feels so alone-like she's not wanted-and then remembers a story her mother once told her about a group of Persians who were ousted from their country and who sailed to the Western shores of India in search for a new home.

Theme: Diversity, Culturally Responsive , Refugee, Immigration

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Picture Book
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