Results for: lori weber

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of RIBBON LEAF
By: lori weber | Published: March 2022

Would you risk your life to help a friend? In Nazi Germany, friendship between an Aryan German girl and a Jewish German girl is strictly verboten,...

Would you risk your life to help a friend? In Nazi Germany, friendship between an Aryan German girl and a Jewish German girl is strictly verboten, and an act of kindness might mean death. Sabine and Edie have been best friends since Kindergarten. Then Kristallnacht hits in 1938, shattering Jewish shop windows, synagogues, and their friendship. The girls, who once dreamed of stardom together, now take different paths ? Edie escapes to Canada, and Sabine remains to experience life in her Nazi--controlled southern German town, eventually rescuing and supporting Edie's beloved Papa who poses as Sabine's grandfather. Even though the girls are separated, the yellow ribbon that once decorated their identical dresses binds the girls' families in ways that contradict Nazi ideology. Throughout the seven long years of WWII, Sabine confronts how far courage can take her, while Edie finds her own strength to deal with leaving her father behind, integrating into a new country, and coming to terms with her sexual orientation. Each girl comes of age, experiencing first loves, loss, and joy. Without knowing how the other is doing across the ocean, they keep hope alive that their bond of friendship remains.

Theme: LGBTQ2S+, Friendship, Historical Fiction, Holocaust, War/Children and War

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Young Adult Fiction
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Book cover of YELLOW MINI
By: lori weber | Published: October 2011

Follows five teenagers as they deal with such issues as coping with a death in the family, finding their place in the world, and interacting with...

Follows five teenagers as they deal with such issues as coping with a death in the family, finding their place in the world, and interacting with their overprotective parents.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    Young Adult Fiction
Retail Price: