Results for: charlotte agell

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of DEMAIN PEUT-ETRE
By: charlotte agell | Published: July 2019

See below for English description. Elba transporte avec elle un gros bloc noir. Elle le traîne depuis un long moment. Norris, lui, danse...

See below for English description. Elba transporte avec elle un gros bloc noir. Elle le traîne depuis un long moment. Norris, lui, danse partout où il va. Il est toujours entouré de joyeux nuages de papillons. Norris et ses papillons parviendront-ils à alléger la charge d'Elba et à la convaincre de faire un voyage avec eux jusqu'au bord de l'océan? Cette histoire touchante aborde le sujet du deuil en utilisant le bloc d'Elba comme métaphore pour discuter de la perte d'un proche. Elle démontre également comment la gentillesse et l'amitié peuvent remonter le moral d'une personne, l'aider à guérir et à traverser des épreuves difficiles. Cet album trouvera un écho parmi les lecteurs qui ont vécu la perte d'un être cher, que ce soit le décès d'un proche ou d'un animal de compagnie, le déménagement d'un ami ou encore un changement de milieu familial. Elba has a black block. She's been dragging it around for a long time. Norris dances everywhere he goes, even uphill. He is always surrounded by a happy cloud of butterflies. Can Norris and his butterflies lighten Elba's load and convince her to join them on a trip to the ocean? This tender exploration of loss uses a block as a metaphor for grief and illuminates how kindness and friendship can lift our spirits, help us heal, and see us through many tomorrows. It will resonate with anyone who has experienced loss, from the death of a loved one or a pet, to a friend moving away, or the transition to a new home or family situation. Original title: Maybe Tomorrow?

Theme: Death & Grieving

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Paperback French
  • Category
    French Picture Book
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Book cover of MAYBE TOMORROW
By: charlotte agell | Published: March 2019

A tender exploration of loss, and how kindness and friendship can help us heal. Elba has a black block. She's been dragging it around for a long...

A tender exploration of loss, and how kindness and friendship can help us heal. Elba has a black block. She's been dragging it around for a long time. Norris dances everywhere he goes, even uphill. He is always surrounded by a happy cloud of butterflies. Can Norris and his butterflies lighten Elba's load and convince her to join them on a trip to the ocean? This tender exploration of loss uses a block as a metaphor for grief and illuminates how kindness and friendship can lift our spirits, help us heal, and see us through many tomorrows. It will resonate with anyone who has experienced loss, from the death of a loved one or a pet, to a friend moving away, or the transition to a new home or family situation.

Theme: Death & Grieving

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Picture Book - Advanced
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