Results for: ray bryant

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of BOOK OF SPACE
By: ray bryant | Published: September 2013

Follow a crew of fun and friendly characters through a comic romp to discover the answers to the questions kids always want to ask. Each title in...

Follow a crew of fun and friendly characters through a comic romp to discover the answers to the questions kids always want to ask. Each title in this children's nonfiction series allows readers to explore their favorite topics in a fun, highly visual Q & A format. Why do astronauts float in space? How many stars are in the sky? What's it like on the Moon? These are just a few questions curious children constantly ask about space. Through inviting and charming illustrations and easily accessible text, the Book of Space answers all of these questions and more about the celestial world above.

  • ISBN
  • Binding
  • Category
    Science - Astronomy And Space
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