Results for: nhungtran davies

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of GREEN PAPAYAS
By: nhungtran davies | Published: August 2023

Green Papayas is the story of a family's time with their aging grandmother (Oma) who is in hospital. Through Mama's recollections of the past they...

Green Papayas is the story of a family's time with their aging grandmother (Oma) who is in hospital. Through Mama's recollections of the past they are reminded of Oma's courage in shepherding her family through war and across the ocean to safety. They learn of the past hardships that defined their grandmother and which gave them the opportunities to accomplish their dreams in their new home in Canada. After Oma passes away, they cherish the memory of this remarkable woman, and the sacrifices she made to ensure that her children and grandchildren, would be free to dream.

Theme: Death & Grieving

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Picture Book - Advanced
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