Below is a list of 3 the books by this author.
When eight-year-old Irene is removed from her First Nations family to live in a residential school she is confused, frightened, and terribly... [Read More]
When eight-year-old Irene is removed from her First Nations family to live in a residential school she is confused, frightened, and terribly homesick. She tries to remember who she is and where she came from, despite the efforts of the nuns who are in charge at the school and who tell her that she is not to use her own name but instead use the number they have assigned to her. When she goes home for summer holidays, Irene's parents decide never to send her and her brothers away again. But where will they hide? And what will happen when her parents disobey the law?
Theme: Indigenous, Truth & Reconciliation, Residential Schools
An incredibly important book that explains how Indigenous children were removed from their homes and taken to residential schools. This book will... [Read More]
An incredibly important book that explains how Indigenous children were removed from their homes and taken to residential schools. This book will help start discussions with children about residential schools and the reconciliation process.
Theme: Ojibwe, Indigenous
Irene, huit ans et ses deux frères sont forcés de quitter leur famille pour aller dans un pensionnat loin de chez eux. C'est la loi! Dans cet... [Read More]
Irene, huit ans et ses deux frères sont forcés de quitter leur famille pour aller dans un pensionnat loin de chez eux. C'est la loi! Dans cet endroit austère, on les empêche de parler leur langue et on leur donne un numéro en guise de nom. À la fin de l'année scolaire, les enfants rentrent à la maison et informent leurs parents des conditions exécrables dans lesquelles ils doivent vivre au pensionnat. Trouveront-ils un moyen de cacher les enfants afin qu'ils n'y retournent jamais? Inspiré de la vie de la grand-mère de Jenny Kay Dupuis, Je ne suis pas un numéro met en lumière une sombre partie de l'histoire du Canada de manière à sensibiliser les enfants et à leur permettre d'en tirer une leçon humaine et historique.
Theme: Indigenous