Results for: nick keller

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of DEATH HEAD
By: nick keller | Published: May 2016

When Niles and Justine Burton go camping to get a break from their stressful lives, they expect to find peace . . . not an abandoned village hiding...

When Niles and Justine Burton go camping to get a break from their stressful lives, they expect to find peace . . . not an abandoned village hiding an ancient evil. But the Burtons aren't your typical family. Bee, their son, just made his first friend, who happens to be a ghost. Maggie, their teenage daughter, has fallen in love with a wicked girl who pressures her into using drugs. And back in the woods, Niles and Justine have found the cursed mask of the murderous Plague Doctor . . . who's now hunting them! As the Burton family fall apart, they must put back the pieces in order to solve an ancient mystery . . . and survive. Zack Keller (cocreator of Dick Figures, the Streamy, IAWTV, and Annie Award-nominated web series with 650 million+ YouTube views) and Nick Keller (Turner of the Century) deliver a supernatural horror thriller about family and creeping, terrifying murder!

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  • Category
    Graphic Novel Adult
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