Results for: yiting lee

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of WHAT'S THE RUSH
By: yiting lee | Published: October 2022

In this sweet adventure book for toddlers, themes about friendship, tolerance, and patience, are lovingly presented through the eyes of a rabbit and...

In this sweet adventure book for toddlers, themes about friendship, tolerance, and patience, are lovingly presented through the eyes of a rabbit and turtle.Bunny and Rabbit are the best of friends. They do everything together, but always from a different perspective. Bunny is all action. Rabbit is more thoughtful, and wants to talk about an action before engaging in it. Together they are yin & yang. What's the Rush?, warmly highlights the power of accepting differences in others, while also showing the importance of building strong friendships.

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    Traditional Single Stories - Fractured Fairy Tales
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