Results for: andy sima

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of CLIMATE
By: andy sima | Published: June 2023

Climate change affects all of us, but by working together, we can help make the world safer for ourselves and future generations. From the smallest...

Climate change affects all of us, but by working together, we can help make the world safer for ourselves and future generations. From the smallest piece of plastic in the oceans to the largest glacier at the north or south pole, scientists can see the effects of climate change. And it is all caused by burning fossil fuels--coal, oil, and natural gas--that release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. But there is still time to protect what we have if we work together.

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  • Category
    Science - Weather & Seasons
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Book cover of CLIMATE
By: andy sima | Published: June 2023

Climate change affects all of us, but by working together, we can help make the world safer for ourselves and future generations. From the smallest...

Climate change affects all of us, but by working together, we can help make the world safer for ourselves and future generations. From the smallest piece of plastic in the oceans to the largest glacier at the north or south pole, scientists can see the effects of climate change. And it is all caused by burning fossil fuels--coal, oil, and natural gas--that release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. But there is still time to protect what we have if we work together.

  • ISBN
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  • Category
    Science - Weather & Seasons
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