Results for: shannon simmons

Below is a list of 2 the books by this author.

Book cover of LIVING DEBT-FREE
By: shannon simmons | Published: December 2018

Get rid of your debt without giving up your life No one wants to be in debt. But life happens and if you’ve got debt, life has happened to you....

Get rid of your debt without giving up your life No one wants to be in debt. But life happens and if you’ve got debt, life has happened to you. Whether you have a rolling balance of $2,000 on your credit card or an $80,000 line of credit you are positive you will carry to your grave, debt can be a huge cause of stress—affecting both your emotional and financial wellness. After working with thousands of financial planning clients, Shannon Lee Simmons knows that your only way out of the debt cycle is to truly understand all of your spending triggers so you can shut them down for good. In Living Debt-Free, she shows you that it is possible to have a life and pay down debt at the same time. In fact, that’s the only way your debt plan will work. You will learn to take control of your finances and pay down your debt in a realistic way that will keep you motivated long enough to see it through to the end. No shame. No blame. No scare tactics. In Living Debt-Free, Simmons focuses on creating a debt repayment plan that will motivate you for a long time, rather than an unrealistic one that’s strictly about paying the least amount of interest charges. (Collective gasp—how dare she!?) Listen, everyone knows that paying interest on debt is bad and to be avoided as much as possible, but human beings are complex. Life is complex. Debt is complex. There cannot be a one-size-fits-all plan, so Living Debt-Free will help you build your plan—the one that will help you finally put the debt behind you, start fresh and feel good about your money again.

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    Paperback Canadian
  • Category
    High School - Things To Do
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By: shannon simmons | Published: January 2023

Every one of us will face an unexpected decision crisis in our lives. Whether it's a life-changing situation--job loss, illness, divorce, death--or a...

Every one of us will face an unexpected decision crisis in our lives. Whether it's a life-changing situation--job loss, illness, divorce, death--or a happier event--a new job opportunity, buying a first home, or other important occasion--there are times when you will be forced to make big decisions under great pressure. When you feel overwhelmed, it's difficult to be confident in your decision-making. Uncertainty is scary. Sometimes it seems that the options are endless--or non-existent. You don't want to make the wrong choice, but you don't want to be paralyzed by indecision either. No-Regret Decisions is a decision crisis playbook that will help you to make sound choices when the emotional and financial stakes are high. From the initial shock of Panic Mode to the insecurity of the Messy Middle, and finally, the acceptance of Your New Normal, Shannon Lee Simmons will teach you how to approach your decision crisis methodically, step by step. No-Regret Decisions will show you how to: create a circle of care find your deciding values create time and money guardrails pivot your plans embrace change Simmons's practical advice, wisdom and humour will help you navigate through the emotional, psychological and financial upheaval that comes with a decision crisis, so that--once the stressful situation is over--you will be proud of the choices you've made, you have hope for the future, and you emerge from the crisis stronger and more confident than before.

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  • Category
    High School - Mind & Body
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