Results for: ryan uytdewilligen

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of THIS IS NOT MY STORY
By: ryan uytdewilligen | Published: June 2023

The brave spaceship captain is surrounded by flying saucers. Though the situation appears dire, he knows just what to do … um, wait! The captain -...

The brave spaceship captain is surrounded by flying saucers. Though the situation appears dire, he knows just what to do … um, wait! The captain - ahem, boy - tells the author to stop the action: He’s got it all wrong. This is not the boy’s story. He belongs in a different story. Hmm. Maybe a story about the quickest cattle wrangler in the West? No! A dragon-slaying knight? No! A vampire’s next victim? No! Will the author ever come up with the right story?

Theme: Writing

  • ISBN
  • Binding
    Hardcover Canadian
  • Category
    Graphic Novel Children's
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