Results for: brian wood

Below is a list of 1 the books by this author.

Book cover of EVE VALKYRIE
By: brian wood | Published: May 2016

Superstar writer Brian Wood tells the origin of the Valkyrie--the deadliest spacefighter pilots in the EVE universe! This series leads into EVE...

Superstar writer Brian Wood tells the origin of the Valkyrie--the deadliest spacefighter pilots in the EVE universe! This series leads into EVE Valkyrie, one of the most hotly anticipated video games of all time, a groundbreaking virtual reality space dogfighting shooter from the creators of EVE Online. With cloning technology that transmits them into a new body each time the old one dies in flames, the Valkyrie are immortal--the most skilled, most fearless pilots money can buy, mercenaries with loyalty to no one but each other.

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    Graphic Novel Adult
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